The Butler Institute of American Art embarked on a groundbreaking project to protect its vast collection of American Art. The goal was to deploy Art Sentry’s object protection technology and completely protect each item in the museum’s collection.
The museum security system uses an advanced protective software barrier to invisibly surround each collection piece via surveillance cameras.
When these protective barriers are breached the system performs the following actions:
The result was a dramatic improvement in the protection of the collection. Using Art Sentry’s proactive assistance, the security officers could cover up to 3-times more galleries, resulting in dramatic museum cost savings. With fewer guards needed to protect the collection, the expense of the system is quickly offset by the cost savings it generates.
“In an ideal world, I wish that we could have one or more guards in each gallery. But since that is not financially possible, Art Sentry’s solution is our very best option." Dr. Lou Zona, Executive Director of the Butler Institute of American Art
Dr. Zona continues, “The system not only provides enhanced protection of our Collection, but it has also shown to improve the scores we receive on our visitor comment cards.”
The unbiased, gentle voice protects the exhibition while preventing visitors from feeling targeted or profiled. “I often tell the story of the opening of a new exhibition prior to installing the Art Sentry system,” states Dr. Zona. “We had a former government official in attendance and one of their family members was touching the exhibit. When my security officer politely explained our touching policy, it created a very negative scene accompanied by accusations of targeting.
Now with our system, the great thing is the audible alerts are 100% objective. The alarm is either triggered or it isn’t so there is never a judgment call.”
Dr. Zona gave the following summary characterizing the visitor experience improvements after the Art Sentry implementation.
“I now rest easy knowing that the Art Sentry system is watching our collection and politely warning visitors not to get too close. Also, when an alert occurs, one of our guards is directed to the site of the infraction. It was the wisest expenditure in my three decades here at the Butler.
We have entrusted Art Sentry with our cultural jewels and I’m so glad that we did.”
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The Art Sentry system enables visitors to have an unencumbered experience with the art and the system engages visitors safely without unnecessary security officer interactions. Our proactive technology also enables guards to cover more galleries, reducing costs.
Please contact us to discuss your specific needs or for more information on our object protection technology.
For more information online, see How It Works and how it Prevents Touches.
“I now rest easy knowing that the Art Sentry system is watching our collection and politely warning visitors not to get too close. Also, when an alert occurs, one of our guards is directed to the site of the infraction. It was the wisest expenditure in my three decades here at the Butler.
Dr. Lou Zona, Executive Director of the Butler Institute of American Art
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